Thani | QSBS Advisory firm

Give us 10 minutes, we'll show you how to save $10 million

Imagine paying millions of dollars in tax upon a successful liquidation event from your company stock… only to learn that you didn’t have to.

get your exemption

A Multi-Million Dollar Tax Surprise You Don't Want

It's your big day. The exit. Years of blood, sweat, and tears finally paying off as you liquidate your shares for a sweet payoff.You're making celebratory dinner reservations when it hits you - the tax bill. More money than you've ever seen vanishes before your eyes.But what if much of that bill was avoidable?An obscure tax rule exists that could've saved you millions. But unless you knew about the Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) exemption, you just left piles of money on the table.The taxman celebrates while you cry into your champagne, robbed by ignorance of the QSBS loophole.Don't let this happen to you!QSBS was made to REWARD risk-takers like you with MASSIVE tax cuts.With the little-known Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) exemption, founders, employees, and early investors can unlock a $10 million tax-free jackpot.Excluding 100% of capital gains owed, QSBS lets you legally tell the taxman to jog on. Keeping up to 10X your initial investment completely tax-free.We guide you through QSBS qualification, documentation, and compliance. Ensuring you can POCKET the maximum profits allowed when you eventually sell.Save the guessing and research. Our QSBS specialists will determine your eligibility and savings for FREE.Why leave millions on the table? Contact us and we'll ensure QSBS works for you, not just the taxman.

what is qsbs?

Why the QSBS Exemption Matters

The QSBS tax exemption was designed to reward entrepreneurs and investors who take risks starting and funding small businesses in the U.S.It allows exclusion of 100% of capital gains taxes on gains up to the greater of $10 million or 10 times your investment when shares of QSBS are sold. This translates into millions in tax savings.

find out if you're eligible today

Get Your Free Eligibility Check and Attestation Letter

We make it simple to determine if your company qualifies for the QSBS exemption. Complete our short questionnaire and we’ll assess your eligibility. If you qualify, we’ll provide you with an official attestation letter you can use to confirm your company's QSBS status.

qsbs in action

How John Saved $2.4 Million

Here's an example of how QSBS works for an employee.John was an early employee at a successful startup called SmartWidgets Inc. When he joined in 2015, John exercised his employee stock options to get 10,000 shares with a cost basis of $5 per share, for $50,000 total.SmartWidgets ended up selling in 2024 for a great return. The sale price valued John’s shares at $30 million total.Luckily, John used Thani QSBS Advisory Services to get an attestation letter for his shares for each year he worked at the startup. Because SmartWidgets qualified for the QSBS exemption, John was able to exclude 100% of his capital gains on the full $10 million allowed.

Cost$ Amount
Sales proceeds$30 million
Cost basis$50,000
Total capital gain$29,950,000
QSBS exclusion (greater of $10m or 10x basis)$10,000,000
Taxable capital gain$19,950,000
Estimated tax on capital gain (23.9% rate)$4,763,050
Estimated tax w/o QSBS exemption (on full $19,950,000 gain)$7,153,050
Total tax savings from QSBS$2,390,000

This example clearly shows how millions in taxes can potentially be avoided by taking advantage of the QSBS rules. Our mission is to help employees, founders and investors maximize their benefits.

bespoke support

We Guide You Every Step of the Way

Even if you qualify, complying with QSBS rules can get complicated. Let us guide you through major events and decisions to preserve your exemption eligibility. Our support includes:- Eligibility assessments each year
- Personalized advisory sessions
- Ongoing compliance guidance

assess your eligibility today

Don't leave money on the table

Knowing whether your company qualifies for the QSBS exemption when you sell your shares could save you millions down the road.

Introducing Jason, Founder of Thani QSBS Advisors.As a startup founder, Jason learned the hard way how not knowing about Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) tax exemptions can cost millions.Frustrated by complex legal and tax technicalities that obscured the savings opportunity available to founders, employees and investors, Jason set up Thani QSBS Advisors to simplify understanding of the QSBS exemption specifically for startup shareholders.It takes just 10 minutes for Thani to assess QSBS qualification and ensure startups maximize available tax benefits upon a liquidity event. Saving them $10 million+ easily.Thani aspires to become the #1 QSBS advisory firm - focused wholly on serving busy startup owners by making this exemption’s advantages easy to unlock.Book a call with Jason today to see if you're eligible to make savings on your tax bill.

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